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Text File  |  1985-07-05  |  130KB  |  318 lines

  1. hard disk,backup,tape,disaster,business,data                     C. Bermant                                   PC NEWS - "Hard Disk Disasters: Tape It of Leave It"             PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         33Discussion on how many businesses risk destruction of their data by ignoring hard disk backup precautions.                                                                                         
  2. education,training,NCTI,IBM,The Source,teacher                   W. McKibbin                                  PC NEWS - "IBM Grants Aid for Computer Literacy"                 PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         33Overview of financial support for the National Computer Training Institute (NCTI) by IBM and The Source.                                                                                           
  3. Comedy By Wire,humor,on-line,The Source                          J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Do Disks Have a Laugh Track?"                         PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         35Discussion of Comedy By Wire (humor) service on The Source.                                                                                                                                        
  4. labor union,home,cottage,work                                    M. Porter                                    PC NEWS - "Home Work Increasing Despite Union Opposition"        PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         42Discussion of how PCs are "converting homes to elctronic cottage industries" and how labor unions are concerned about it.                                                                          
  5. VDC,survey,workstation,IBM,Venture Development                                                                PC NEWS - "When In Doubt, Say IBM"                               PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         42Survey by Venture Development Corporation (VDC) shows IBM as the market leader in the field of executive workstations.                                                                             
  6. trade restriction,Latin America,Mexico,Brazil,IBM,factory        M. Porter                                    PC NEWS - "Latin Bombshells Burst Over New PC Market"            PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         49Discussion of U.S.-Latin American (i.e, Mexico and Brazil) trade restrictions, and the difficulties caused by them---plus IBM's   tentative agreement to build an IBM PC factory in Mexico.        
  7. hard disk,fixed,information,data,sensitive,repair,security       S. Manes                                     PC NEWS - "Getting In a Fix With Fixed Disks"                    PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         50Discussion of possible problems encountered by having informationstored on a "fixed disk"---i.e., telephone numbers and sensitive data may get read when you send your hard disk out for repair.   
  8. PCjr,game,market                                                 P. Wiswell                                   PC NEWS - "Makers of Entertainment Software Shoot for New High...PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         52...Scores".  Manufacturers of game software look forward to an   expansion in the market due to the "re-emergence of the PCjr as  a viable home machine".                                          
  9. review,Direc-Tree,Micro-Z,hard disk,utility,directory,shell      T. Badgett                                   PC NEWS - "Tracking and Taming Wild Hard Disks"                  PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         55Review of Direc-Tree (by Micro-Z Company), a hard disk utility   for keeping track of directory trees, etc.                                                                                        
  10. review,Direc-Tree,Micro-Z,hard disk,utility,directory,advertise  J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Software That Never Sleeps"                           PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         55Review of Direc-Tree (by Micro-Z Company), a hard disk utility   for keeping track of directory trees, etc.  Comments on how the  advertisement for this product was so accurate.                  
  11. INFORUM,teleconference,business,meeting,communication            E. Freedman                                  PC NEWS - "Meeting of the Media"                                 PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         58Overview of the INFORUM teleconferencing system and how it       "breaks new ground for better business meeting connections".                                                                      
  12. floppy,disk,high-density,1.2 MB,shortage,IBM PC-AT               M. Finefrock, B. Hale, and C. Bermant        PC NEWS - "Where's the Disk? AT Floppies Scarce"                 PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         60Discussion of the severe shortage of the special high-density    (1.2 MB) floppies that the IBM PC-AT uses.                                                                                        
  13. interview,J. Carter,president,son,Ganesa Group,Statmap,geography C. Bermant                                   PC NEWS - "People in the News: Jeff Carter"                      PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         62Interview with Jeff Carter (son of former President Carter), who has started a company called Ganesa Group International that     makes a geography program called Statmap.                        
  14. editorial,commentary,user,market,customer,consumer               B. Machrone                                  FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "The Market Grows Up"                 PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         81Editorial commentary discussing how the computer user today is   "sharper, better read, and more wary", and how this relates to   the market.                                                      
  15. editorial,commentary,graphics,business,presentation                                                           GUEST EDITORIAL - "More Than Pretty Pictures"                    PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         91Commentary discussing how computer generated graphics can solve  many business communications needs, but users should understand  the capabilities and limitations before a system is installed.   
  16. help,Q&A,Bernoulli Box,hard disk,problem                                                                      LETTERS TO PC                                                    PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1         95Bernoulli Box problem when placed on its side.                                                                                                                                                     
  17. hard disk,.EXE,.COM,SPACEMAKER,Realia,File Facility,IBM,data,pathP. Norton                                    THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "Hard Disk Housekeeping"                 PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        105Discussion on coping with hard disk storage space.  Converting   .EXE files to .COM is useful (e.g., with SPACEMAKER).  Data path finder program called File Facility (by IBM) is mentioned.       
  18. cover story,forecast,future,predict,microcomputer                W. L. Frank                                  "Looking Ahead: Key Forces That Will Shape The World of ComputingPC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        116Author discusses the microcomputer "wave"---"its impact continuesheralding 15 dramatic changes for the next decade" (these are    discussed in order).                                             
  19. cover story,forecast,future,predict,microcomputer                B. Lemley                                    "Other Voices, Other Futures"                                    PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        133Manuscript copies of article by W. L. Frank ("Looking Ahead...", PC, v.4 n.1 p.116) was sent to 12 leaders in various fields for  their comments (and predictions).                                
  20. review,1984,best product,consumer                                B. Krasnoff (Editor)                         "The Best of 1984"                                               PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        139Staff and writers of PC have looked back on 1984 and have chosen what they consider the 26 best products (and have also picked outa few of the worst).                                             
  21. presentation,business,HyperGraphics,EnerGraphics,VCN ExecuVision K. Alesandrini                               "Graphics That Dress For Success"                                PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        164The importance of business presentation graphics is discussed    (with results of various studies given).  Overview of packages:  1)EnerGraphics, 2)HyperGraphics, and 3)VCN ExecuVision.          
  22. presentation,business,graphics,chart,plot                        J. Bishop                                    "Charting Your Course On The PC"                                 PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        177Examples of presentation graphics for 6 business operations using1)Lotus 1-2-3, 2)SuperCalc3, 3)Chart-Master, 4)Graphwriter,      5)GrafTalk, and 6)DR Graph.                                      
  23. review,business,Genigraphics,PictureIt/Video,Presentation Master R. Raskin and T. Christopher                 "PC Systems For Pie Chart Picassos"                              PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        187Review of three business presentation graphics systems:          1)Presentation Master (Digital Research), 2)PictureIt/VideoShow  (General Parametrics), 3)Genigraphics Series 1000 (Genigraphics).
  24. review,Samurai Presentation Graphics,Image,business,insert       D. Burns and S. Venit                        "Samurai Image Processor"                                        PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        199Review of the Samurai Presentation Graphics System (by Image     Resource Corp.).  [Also, an insert entitled "SIGHT: How Samurai  Sees--and Describes--an Image"].                                 
  25. Samurai Presentation Graphics,Image,SIGHT,business,insert        D. Burns                                     "SIGHT: How Samurai Sees---and Describes---an Image"             PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        204Insert in "Samurai Image Processor" by D. Burns and S. Venit,    this article describes the SIGHT (Slide Image Graphics Hardcopy  Transmission) language used in Samurai Presentation Graphics.    
  26. graphics,IBM PC,Cray,supercomputer,mainframe                     J. Fowler                                    "PC Graphics Challenge the Mighty Cray"                          PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        205Author compares the graphics capabilities of the IBM PC with thatof a Cray supercomputer.                                                                                                          
  27. interview,Jet Propulsion,JPL,space,shuttle,map,earth,radar,PC-XT C. J. Goldberg                               "Shuttle Radar and PCs Map The Earth"                            PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        212Interview with scientists from the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) who, with the help of several IBM PC-XTs, used a special radar aboard the space shuttle Challenger to map the earth.                   
  28. review,Excelerator,Index Technology,InTech,insert                D. Aarons                                    "Zooming in For a Closer Look"                                   PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        221Review of Excelerator (by Index Technology Corp. (InTech)), an   expensive ($9,500) "graphics generator hooked up to a word pro-  cessor through an intelligent link". [Insert "More Room to Grow"]
  29. IBM PC-AT,Excelerator,Index Technology,InTech,insert             F. J. Derfler, Jr.                           "More Room to Grow"                                              PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        228Insert in "Zooming in For a Closer Look" by D. Aarons, this arti-cle discusses the Excelerator package (by Index Technology Corp. (InTech)) for use on the IBM PC-AT.                              
  30. review,Touch Information Display,Touchpen,Sun-Flex,Electro Mech  D. Wexler                                    "Screen Busters"                                                 PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        237Review of Touch Information Display (by Electro Mechanical Sys-  tems) and Touchpen (by Sun-Flex).                                                                                                 
  31. review,mouse,word processor                                      R. Werbin                                    "EEK! A Mouse for the PC"                                        PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        251Author tests a mouse (by Mouse Systems) on 6 word processors:    Microsoft Word, Visi On Word, Symphony, MultiMate, Volkswriter   Deluxe, and WordStar (comparative review).                       
  32. review,game,checkers,chess,Sargon III,Gramps,Hayden,Oakcrest     P. Wiswell                                   PC ARCADE - "Checkerboard Challenge"                             PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        263Review of Sargon III (by Hayden Software Co.) and Gramps: The    Checker Champion (by Oakcrest Software).                                                                                          
  33. book,review,graphics,sound,game                                  B. Filbeck                                   BOOK REVIEW - "PC Graphics and Sound: Unlimited Designs"         PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        271Review of: M. Waite & C. L. Morgan,GRAPHICS PRIMER FOR THE IBM PC(Osborne/McGraw-Hill); D. Strickland, D. Rockwell, and K. Bowyer,GAMES, GRAPHICS, AND SOUND FOR THE IBM PC (Brady Co.).           
  34. review,graphics,Dr. Halo,PC Paintbrush,Z-Soft,Media,MacPaint     M. Kass                                      "Freehand Graphics"                                              PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        277Review of two freehand drawing programs: Dr. Halo (by Media      Cybernetics) and PC Paintbrush (by Z-Soft) (both offer graphics  capabilities like the Apple Macintosh's MacPaint program).       
  35. review,Doctor's Office Manager,IBM,medicine,window               B. Friedman, M.D.                            "For Doctors: Windows in the Office"                             PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        281Review of Doctor's Office Manager (by IBM) (first of its kind    with windows).                                                                                                                    
  36. legal,class-action,law suit,Chicago,Davis,Miner                  D. Landis                                    "A PC Fights Class-Action Suits"                                 PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        287Author discusses the use of PCs in class-action suits by the     Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland.                                                                             
  37. fire,Halon 1211 gas                                              B. Gest                                      "Up in Smoke"                                                    PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        293Discussion of how traditional fire-fighting materials (e.g.,waterand powder) can be harmful to computer electroncs and magnetic   media, and an alternative---Halon 1211 gas.                      
  38. club,user group,directory,address                                J. Mintzer (Editor)                          CLUB NEWS - "PC User Groups"                                     PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        310Partial directory (update) of PC user group names and addresses.                                                                                                                                   
  39. tutorial,keyboard,code,character,scan,cursor                     P. Abel                                      "Keyboard Codes"                                                 PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        331Tutorial on the PC's character and scan codes.                                                                                                                                                     
  40. help,Q&A,directory,byte,count,comma,50-line screen,Microsoft WordP. Somerson (Editor)                         USER-TO-USER                                                     PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        3371)KOUNTER.BAT/count subdirectory files, 2)BYTER.BAS/bytes used insubdirectory, 3)BASICA/DOS/commas, 4)50-line screen (50LINE.BAS),5)Microsoft Word problems with systems other than PC-DOS.        
  41. help,Q&A,COMMAND,CHKDSK,space,address,pixel,monochrome,filename  M. Zachmann                                  PC TUTOR                                                         PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        3411)COMMAND.COM interpreter, 2)Using CHKDISK F to free up space,   3)Small floppy files/inefficient, 4)Addressing pixels/monochrome display, 5)Listing filenames in BASIC and in WordStar.           
  42. communication,on-line,database,DBM,information,broker,service    A. Glossbrenner                              "Let a Broker Do the Searching"                                  PC Mag  85/01a Jan v.4 n.1        354Overview of "information brokers" like Information On Demand, whowill search through on-line databases for you.                                                                                    
  43. IBM,Rolm,telecommunication,acquisition,takeover                  V. Dudek                                     PC NEWS - "IBM's Takeover of Rolm Tightens Market Grip"          PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         33Discussion of IBM's acquisition of the Rolm Corporation, a firm  that ranks only second to AT&T in the manufacture of telecommuni-cations hardware.                                                
  44. show,COMDEX,Las Vegas                                            P. Somerson                                  PC NEWS - "Welcome to CALMDEX"                                   PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         33Overview of the Las Vegas COMDEX (show).                                                                                                                                                           
  45. show,COMDEX,Las Vegas,waning interest,slump,attendence                                                        PC NEWS - "Ups and Downs at COMDEX"                              PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         34Short comment about the waning interest at computer shows.                                                                                                                                         
  46. show,COMDEX,Las Vegas,Apple,J. Sculley,keynote,speech            D. Kennedy                                   PC NEWS - "Apple's Sculley Speaks Softly As Keynoter"            PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         35Overview of the keynote speech made by John Sculley (Apple pres- dent and CEO) at the COMDEX in Las Vegas.                                                                                         
  47. Lotus 1-2-3,aftermarket,product,coattail                         V. Dudek                                     PC NEWS - "Aftermarket Adopting The Lotus Position"              PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         42Discussion of firms that are riding on the coattails of Lotus    (i.e., the "aftermarket") with related products.                                                                                  
  48. review,PC Palette,graphics,mouse,menu,IBM,Personally Developed   T. Badgett                                   PC NEWS - "IBM Masters Mouse And Menu Graphics"                  PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         48Review of PC Palette (by IBM Personally Developed Software).                                                                                                                                       
  49. review,ColorPaint,IBM,MacPaint,Apple,Macintosh,graphics,PCjr     T. Christopher                               PC NEWS - "MacPaint vs. ColorPaint: An Artist's Appraisal"       PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         52Comparative appraisal (review) of MacPaint for the Macintosh     (by Apple Computer) and ColorPaint for the PCjr (by IBM).                                                                         
  50. IBM,book,catalog,engineer,science,number,crunch                  J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Lighter Side of Number Crunching"                     PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         52Overview of IBM's publication of a catalog of ENGINEERING AND    SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS FOR IBM PERSONAL COMPUTERS.                                                                                   
  51. MaxThink,Living Videotext,idea processor,ThinkTank               J. Taylor                                    PC NEWS - "Thinking About Idea Processors"                       PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         55Overview of MaxThink (by Living Videotext) and a general dis-    cussion on idea processors.                                                                                                       
  52. New York Times,Luddite,T. Pynchon                                                                             PC NEWS - "Speaking of Computers: LEDites not Luddites"          PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         55Excerpt from The New York Times Book Review (Oct. 28, 1984) on   Luddite sensibility by Thomas Pynchon.                                                                                            
  53. health care,home,nutrition,stress,exercise,smoking,psychology    J. Lener                                     PC NEWS - "Take Two Disks and Call Me in the Morning"            PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         57Overview of home health care software currently on the market    (e.g., nutrition, exercise, stress, smoking, etc.).                                                                               
  54. review,Sci-Calc,IBM,Personally Developed,calculator,utility      T. Badgett                                   PC NEWS - "The Solid Gold Calculator"                            PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         58Review of Sci-Calc (by IBM Personally Developed Software), a     utility that makes the PC into a programmable scientific calcula-tor similar to the HP-11C or the TI-66.                          
  55. integrated,window,industry expert,observer,future,forecast       W. L. Rosch                                  PC NEWS - "Can Integrated Software Coexist with Windows?"        PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         60Industry experts comment on the future of integrated software andwindows.                                                                                                                          
  56. interview,E. Esber,Ashton-Tate                                   C. Bermant and D. Kennedy                    PC NEWS - "People in the News: Edward Esber"                     PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         62Interview with Edward Esber, Ashton-Tates new president and CEO.                                                                                                                                   
  57. editorial,commentary,protect,license                             C. Stark                                     FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "Are They Clean?"                     PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         79Commentary on how "software producers have gone too far with     strong-arm licensing agreements and excessively restrictive copy protection".                                                     
  58. editorial,commentary,text editor,word processor                  S. Mohammadioun                              GUEST EDITORIAL - "Waiting for Quality Word Processing"          PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2         85Commentary on text editors versus word processors, and the need  for a high quality word processor.                                                                                                
  59. review,Data General/One,portable,lap,compatible                  P. Norton                                    THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "A Serious Lap Computer at Last"         PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        101Review of the Data General/One lap-size computer (by Data GeneralCorp.).                                                                                                                           
  60. mainframe,communication                                          B. Catchings                                 "Can We Talk? The Micro to Mainframe Connection"                 PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        108Overview (cover story) of PC-to-mainframe communications products                                                                                                                                  
  61. tutorial,mainframe,communication,connect,insert                  C. Daney                                     "A Micro-Mainframe Primer"                                       PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        114Tutorial on micro-to-mainframe communications (i.e., things one  should understand when attempting to make a connection).  [Also, an insert entitled "Speaking the Language"].                     
  62. glossary,mainframe,communication,connect,insert,terminology,lingoS. Rosenthal                                 "Speaking the Language"                                          PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        118Insert in "A Micro-Mainframe Primer" by C. Daney, this article isa glossary of terminology associated with communications and     micro-to-mainframe connections.                                  
  63. tutorial,communication,asynchronous,protocol,Xmodem,Kermit,BLAST F. J. Derfler, Jr.                           "The Async Link"                                                 PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        131Tutorial on asynchronous communications, including protocols suchas Kermit and Xmodem.  An overview of some software: BLAST,      ....continued to next record.                                    
  64. communication,satellite,tutorial                                 F. J. Derfler, Jr.                           "Data By Satellite"                                              PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        140Tutorial on satellite communications.                                                                                                                                                              
  65. communication,minicomputer,IBM System/38,insert                  S. Kariya                                    "When the Mini Plays Host"                                       PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        144A look at the IBM System/38, a business-oriented minicomputer    that can link up with a PC.  [Also, an insert entitled "5251     Emulation Boards"].                                              
  66. communication,minicomputer,IBM 5251,emulation,board,insert       S. Kariya                                    "5251 Emulation Boards"                                          PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        147Insert in "When the Mini Plays Host" by the author, this article gives an overview of hardware/software combinations for connect- ing PCs to minicomputers.                                        
  67. tutorial,bisynchronous,communication,protocol,emulation          B. Harts                                     "Bisync Comes of Age"                                            PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        149Tutorial on bisynchronous communications protocol.  A few pro-   ducts are discussed: 1)AST-BSC and AST-SNA, 2)SYNC/COM,          3)3270 BSC Emulation.                                            
  68. review,IBM 3270 PC,mainframe,communication,insert                E. V. Valenzuela                             "3270 PC: All Things to All Users?"                              PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        157Review of the IBM 3270 PC.  [Also, an insert entitled "The 3270  PC's Upscale Relatives"].                                                                                                         
  69. review,IBM 3270 PC,enhance,graphics,insert                       E. V. Valenzuela                             "The 3270 PC's Upscale Relatives"                                PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        167Insert in "3270 PC: All Things to All Users?" by the author, thisarticle gives an overview of two new enhanced versions of the    3270 PC (high-quality graphics).                                 
  70. IBM 3270 PC,communication,mainframe,emulation,board,insert       J. Singer                                    "PC Metamorphosis: 3270 Emulation"                               PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        169Overview of hardware and software for transforming the IBM PC    into a a 3270 PC emulator. [Also, inserts entitled "IBM's CentralNervous System" and "Virtual Power for the PC"].                 
  71. IBM 3270 PC,communication,mainframe,network,tutorial,insert      J. Singer                                    "IBM's Central Nervous System"                                   PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        171Insert in "PC Metamorphosis: 3270 Emulation" by the author, this article explains how the 3270 network works.                                                                                      
  72. 3270 PC,mainframe,virtual,communication,tutorial,Tempus,insert   J. Singer                                    "Virtual Power for the PC"                                       PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        173Insert in "PC Metamorphosis: 3270 Emulation" by the author, this article explains explains virtual disk technology, with particu- lar emphasis on Tempus-Link (by Micro Tempus).                   
  73. communication,mainframe,database,DBM,connect                     B. Harts                                     "The Future of the Connection"                                   PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        179Overview of a class of micro-mainframe link products "that striveto integrate database management on the two machines": FOCTALK,  iLINK, EXPRESS-mate/link, dBASE/Answer, Lotus/Answer, Visi/Answer
  74. review,ASYST,Macmillan,integrated,utility,science,engineer       P. F. Hultquist                              "Mini Power for the PC"                                          PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        186Review of ASYST (by Macmillan Software Co.), a set of integrated software tools for science and engineering.                                                                                       
  75. review,desk,notepad,Sidekick,Bisybase,Spotlight,The Integrator   C. Petzold                                   "Organize Your Desk and Your PC"                                 PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        204Review of the desk organizers (notepads, calculators, etc.):     Spotlight (by Software Arts), Sidekick (by Borland), Bisybase    (by International Microcomputer), and The Integrator (by ModTech)
  76. review,Price Waterhouse,Solomon III,TLB,accounting               G. W. Dauphinais and M. A. Yesko             "Getting Wise With Solomon"                                      PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        218Price Waterhouse review of Solomon III Series Software (TLB Inc.)"the most sophisticated accounting software available for the PC"                                                                 
  77. review,HP 110,Hewlett-Packard,lap,portable                       A. Poor and R. Webster                       "The HP 110: The Next Step In Portables"                         PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        230Review of the HP 110 lap-size computer (by Hewlett-Packard).                                                                                                                                       
  78. review,game,Witness,Infocom,Murder,Zinderneuf,Electronic Arts    P. Wiswell                                   PC ARCADE - "The Plot Thickens"                                  PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        245Review of the games: The Witness (by Infocom Inc.) and Murder on the Zinderneuf (by Electronic Arts).                                                                                              
  79. review,book,game                                                 P. Wiswell                                   BOOK REVIEW - "Learning Through Games"                           PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        251Review of: 1)TIM HARTNELL'S GIANT BOOK OF COMPUTER GAMES, 2)HOW  TO PROGRAM YOUR IBM PC: IF YOU'VE NEVER PROGRAMMED A COMPUTER BE-FORE (both by T. Hartnell and Ballantine Books).                 
  80. review,real estate,invest,analysis                               B. Alvernaz                                  "Real Investments: Gaining the Edge"                             PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        259Review of real estate investment software: 1)The Real Estate Con-sultant, 2)Advanced Real Estate Analyzer, 3)Investment Analysis  (series).                                                        
  81. review,HP-PC,Sundersoft,calculator,science,engineer              A. Barcellos                                 "A Calculating Tool"                                             PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        263Review of HP-PC Programmable Scientific Calculator, Version 2.1  (by Sundersoft) (patterned after the Hewlett-Packard 11C).                                                                        
  82. review,Legal Systems,law,WordStar,word processor,document        J. Lener                                     "Better Boilerplate For Small Firms"                             PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        269Review of Legal Systems Software (by Matthew Bender and Co.)---  "allows you to customize its loosely structured legal documents  and then use WordStar....to fit the specific case and client".   
  83. review,MINET,GTE,Telenet,medicine,database,on-line,DBM           B. Friedman, M.D.                            "Find It with MINET"                                             PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        273Review of GTE's on-line medical database, MINET (by GTE Telenet  Medical Information Network).                                                                                                     
  84. club,user group,directory,address                                J. Mintzer (Editor)                          CLUB NEWS - "PC User Groups"                                     PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        289Partial directory (update) of PC user group names and addresses.                                                                                                                                   
  85. tutorial,parity,error,interrupt,nonmaskable,NMI,PARINT.COM       D. Hunter                                    "Parity Insurance"                                               PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        309Tutorial on parity error detection on the PC, how it can destroy hours of work, on how to prevent such a disaster from occuring   (listing of PARINT.COM is giving).                               
  86. help,Q&A,BASIC,NAME,MASM,?End of,CHKDSK,prompt,REM,Ctrl-Z,RAMdiskP. Somerson (Editor)                         USER-TO-USER                                                     PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        3171)BASIC NAME command, 2)ASM/MASM ?End of file.., 3)CHKDSK and no.of files, 4)Double prompt A>A>, 5)Period vs. REM, 6)Ctrl-Z items,7)RAMdisk and system files....continued to next record           
  87. help,Q&A,DOS 3.0,REM,.BAT,entry,PMOR.BAT,PORE.COM,MORE,pause     P. Somerson (Editor)                         USER-TO-USER                                                     PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        317...cont. from previous record.  8)Can't use period instead of REMin DOS 3.0, 9).BAT/keyboard entry from a file, 10)PMOR.BAT and   PORE.COM modification of MORE command (pause at 55 lines not 24).
  88. help,Q&A,PSP,segment,prefix,prompt,YN.COM,CDEL.BAT,Europe,5218   M. Zachmann                                  PC TUTOR                                                         PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        3211)Hidden DOS call PSP (program segment prefix)/address where codeis loaded, 2)YN.COM & CDEL.BAT for erasing files with prompts,   3)PC purchased in Europe, 4)5218 Displaywriter printer.          
  89. Framework,Ashton-Tate,,memo,presentation,report,writer,author    H. Blank                                     "A Frame of Reference"                                           PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        335Using Framework (Ashton-Tate) for reports, memos, presentations, and professional writing.                                                                                                         
  90. Intel,chip,microprocessor,82588,network,LAN,communication        B. Machrone                                  PC NEWS- "Intel Hits With New Chip"                              PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         33Intel announces a new networking chip called the 82588, which    costs one third less than comparable Ethernet chips.                                                                              
  91. MicroPro,WordStar 2000,word processor                            C. Stinson                                   PC NEWS- "WordStar 2000: MicroPro Odyssey"                       PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         33MicroPro International announces its new WordStar 2000 word pro- cessor.                                                                                                                           
  92. Discovery,cable,TV                                               T. Pompili                                   PC NEWS- "Computer Channel Aims To Become TV Guide"              PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         34Discussion of the Discovery computer cable television channel.                                                                                                                                     
  93. Silicon Valley,postcard,generic,mail                             J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS- "Generic Electronic Mail"                               PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         35Description of the Silicon Valley Generic Postcard.                                                                                                                                                
  94. computer museum,Boston,history                                   J. Mintzer                                   PC NEWS- "A Guided Tour Through The Computer Museum"             PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         42Overview of the Computer Museum in Boston.                                                                                                                                                         
  95. interview,Los Alamos National Laboratory,LANL                    C. Bermant                                   PC NEWS- "Manning the Fort At Los Alamos"                        PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         48Interview with employees of the Los Alamos National Laboratory   (LANL).                                                                                                                           
  96. review,PC-DOS SORT,PCSORT,COSORT,Supersort II                    C. Terry                                     PC NEWS- "Sorting Out Sorting Programs"                          PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         50Review of four sorting programs: PC-DOS SORT (by IBM), PCSORT    (by Microsoft), COSORT (by Information Resources, Inc.), and     Supersort II (by MicroPro International).                        
  97. review,Concurrent PC-DOS,Digital Research,multitask,multiuser    T. Badgett                                   PC NEWS- "Taking to Task a (Multi) Taskmaster"                   PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         55Review of Concurrent PC-DOS (by Digital Research Inc.), a multi- user,multitask operating system.                                                                                                  
  98. book,review,Symphony,Lotus                                       R. Werbin                                    PC NEWS- "One Step Beyond"                                       PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         58Review of: D. Cobb, MASTERING SYMPHONY (SYBEX, 1984); G. LeBlond and D. Ewing, USING SYMPHONY (Que Corp., 1984).                                                                                   
  99. Time Line,Breakthrough                                           J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS- "Breakthrough Beats the Clock"                          PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         58Announcement of Time Line (by Breakthrough Software).                                                                                                                                              
  100. review,Your Personal Net Worth,Scarborough,finance,money         R. Powell                                    PC NEWS- "Covering Your Financial Assets"                        PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         60Review of Your Personal Net Worth (by Scarborough Systems), a    personal finance program.                                                                                                         
  101. interview,N. Winkless,Excalibur,Savvy-PC,DBM,AI                  C. Bermant                                   PC NEWS- "People in the News: Nelson Winkless"                   PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         62Interview with Nelson Winkless, cofounder of Excalibur Technolo- gies and a leading force in the development of Savvy-PC (a DBM   program with artificial intelligence elements).                  
  102. editorial,commentary,multiuser,network                           B. Machrone                                  FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "More Power to You"                   PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3         81Discussion of network versus multiuser---which is better for yourapplication?                                                                                                                      
  103. generic,software                                                 P. Norton                                    THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "Software for One and All"               PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        103Discussion on "generic software"---programs that will run equallywell on all sorts of computers.                                                                                                   
  104. cover story,network,LAN                                                                                       "Local Area Networks"                                            PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        114Cover story for a series of articles on local area networks.                                                                                                                                       
  105. tutorial,network,LAN,insert                                      F. J. Derfler, Jr.                           "The Lay Of the LANs"                                            PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        116Introductory tutorial on local area networks (LANs).  [Also, an  insert entitled "The Language Of LANs"].                                                                                          
  106. network,LAN,glossary,terminology,lingo,jargon,insert             S. Rosenthal                                 "The Language Of LANs"                                           PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        122Insert in "The Lay Of the LANs" by F. J. Derfler, Jr., this arti-cle is a glossary of network terms.                                                                                               
  107. network,server,LAN,tutorial                                      N. Goldhaber and W. L. Rosch                 "Networks At Your Service"                                       PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        125Tutorial on "network servers"---one or more special computers    that handle most of the network commands and functions (i.e.,    controlling speed, security, etc.).                              
  108. review,NetWare,Novell,network,LAN,insert                         R. Cowart and S. Rosenthal                   "The Novell Solution"                                            PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        131Review of NetWare (by Novell), a local area network package.     [Also, an insert entitled " NewWare Flexes MUSCLS"].                                                                              
  109. NetWare,Novell,network,LAN,MUSCLS,security,protect,insert        R. Cowart and S. Rosenthal                   "NetWare Flexes MUSCLS"                                          PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        133Insert in "The Novell Solution" by the authors, this article     looks at a scheme that Novell has built into NetWare called the  Multiple Users Software Licensing System (MUSCLS).               
  110. review,IBM PC Network,LAN                                        T. Sammons, S. Clark, T. Schnetlagy, J. Head "An Inside Look at IBM's LAN"                                    PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        136Review of the new IBM PC Network.                                                                                                                                                                  
  111. preview,IBM PC Network,LAN,beta test                             P. Lisker and B. Machrone                    "Looking Ahead at IBM's LAN Software"                            PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        144Preview of IBM's network software for the PC Network.                                                                                                                                              
  112. network,LAN,benchmark,office,environment,multi-PC                R. Cowart and P. Feldmann                    "Benchmarks For Network Ratings"                                 PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        152Three common multi-PC office environments are simulated for use  in benchmarking the networks that are reviewed in following pagesof this issue.                                                   
  113. review,network,LAN,benchmark,speed                               J. Dickinson                                 "LAN Speed Trials"                                               PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        168Results of benchmark tests on 13 networks.                                                                                                                                                         
  114. network,review,LAN,cover story                                                                                "Battle of the Network Stars"                                    PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        178Cover story for 13 reviews of network systems that follow.                                                                                                                                         
  115. review,network,LAN,3Com,EtherSeries,insert                       S. Kanzler                                   "3Com EtherSeries"                                               PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        180Review of the network: EtherSeries (by 3Com).  [Also, an insert  entitled "3Com 3Server"].                                                                                                         
  116. review,network,LAN,3Com,EtherSeries,3Server,insert               J. Dickinson                                 "3Com 3Server"                                                   PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        184Insert in "3Com EtherSeries" by S. Kanzler, this article is a    short review if 3Server (by 3Com), a dedicated network file      server.                                                          
  117. review,network,LAN,10-NET,Fox,insert                             J. Dickinson                                 "Fox 10-NET"                                                     PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        187Review of the network: 10-NET (by Fox Research). [Also, an insertentitled "Where Are Your Files?"].                                                                                                
  118. network,LAN,file,share,strategy,advice,safe,security,insert      D. Hannotte                                  "Where Are Your Files?"                                          PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        192Insert in "Fox 10-NET" by J. Dickinson, this article lists       strategies for safely sharing files.                                                                                              
  119. review,network,LAN,AST-PCnet II,insert                           W. L. Rosch                                  "AST-PCnet II"                                                   PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        196Review of the network: AST-PCnet II (by AST Research).  [Also, aninsert entitled "Network Security Issues"].                                                                                       
  120. review,network,LAN,file,protect,security,encrypt,insert          S. Rosenthal                                 "Network Security Issues"                                        PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        200Insert in "AST-PCnet II" by W. L. Rosch, this article discusses  levels of network security (i.e., file protection).                                                                               
  121. review,network,LAN,Omnishare,Corvus,insert                       K. Porter and S. Kanzler                     "Corvus Omnishare"                                               PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        204Review of the network: Omnishare (by Corvus).  [Also, an insert  entitled "Spooling Is Complex"].                                                                                                  
  122. review,network,LAN,Omnishare,Corvus,spool,print,insert           K. Porter and S. Kanzler                     "Spooling Is Complex"                                            PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        207Insert in "Corvus Omnishare" by the authors, this article dis-   cusses the spooling capabilities of the Omnishare package (by    Corvus).                                                         
  123. review,network,LAN,Multilink,Davong                              P. Feldman and F. J. Derfler, Jr.            "Davong Multilink"                                               PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        209Review of the network: Multilink (by Davong).                                                                                                                                                      
  124. review,network,LAN,PLAN 3000,Nestar,insert                       J. Forney                                    "Nestar PLAN 3000"                                               PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        213Review of the network: PLAN 3000 (by Nestar).  [Also, an insert  entitled "Mainframes on the LANscape"].                                                                                           
  125. review,network,LAN,mainframe,communication,future,forecast       S. Rosenthal                                 "Mainframes on the LANscape"                                     PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        214Insert in "Nestar PLAN 3000" by J. Forney, this article gives an overview of the LAN-to-mainframe connection.....including what   the future promises in new products and more flexibility.        
  126. review,network,LAN,NetWare/S,Novell                              C. Petzold                                   "Novell NetWare/S"                                               PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        217Review of the network: NetWare/S (by Novell).                                                                                                                                                      
  127. review,network,LAN,PCnet,Orchid                                  R. Webster and W. L. Rosch                   "Orchid PCnet"                                                   PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        229Review of the network: PCnet (by Orchid Technology).                                                                                                                                               
  128. review,network,LAN,Quadnet VI,Quadram,insert                     P. Feldman and K. Porter                     "Quadnet VI"                                                     PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        238Review of the network: Quadnet VI (by Quadram Corp.).  [Also, an insert entitled "Good Help Is Hard to Find"].                                                                                     
  129. review,network,LAN,Quadnet VI,Quadram,insert,HELP                P. Feldman and K. Porter                     "Good Help Is Hard to Find"                                      PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        241Insert in "Quadnet VI" by the authors, this article describes theHELP facility of Quadnet VI (by Quadram Corp.).                                                                                   
  130. review,network,LAN,Quadnet IX,Quadram,insert                     R. Cowart, S. Kanzler, and S. Rosenthal      "Quadnet IX"                                                     PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        243Review of the network: Quadnet IX (by Quadram Corp.).  [Also, an insert entitled "Missing Links"].                                                                                                 
  131. network,LAN,multi-user,application,insert                        D. Burns and S. Venit                        "Missing Links"                                                  PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        248Insert in "Quadnet IX" by R. Cowart, S. Kanzler, & S. Rosenthal, this article gives an overview of multi-user application packagesthat run on a local area network.                                
  132. review,network,LAN,PM/16,TeleVideo                               S. Kanzler, R. Cowart, and A. Poor           "PM/16"                                                          PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        251Review of the network: PM/16 (by TeleVideo Systems).                                                                                                                                               
  133. review,network,LAN,Net/One,Ungermann-Bass                        S. Kanzler and G. Hart                       "Net/One"                                                        PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        259Review of the network: Net/One (by Ungermann-Bass).                                                                                                                                                
  134. review,network,LAN,X-Net,Xcomp                                   F. J. Derfler, Jr.                           "X-Net"                                                          PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        266Review of the network: X-Net (by Xcomp).                                                                                                                                                           
  135. tutorial,DOORS,color,monochrome,monitor,display,MODE,window      J. Dickinson                                 "Try a Door, Not a Window"                                       PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        273Program DOORS is given that allows you to use your color and     monochrome displays together.                                                                                                     
  136. help,Q&A,FINDFILE,ALT,FIND,SuperSpool,swap,LPT2,BSAVER,GRAPHICS  P. Somerson (Editor)                         USER-TO-USER                                                     PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        2791)FINDFILE.BAT for locating file in any subdirectory, 2)Using ALTkey with FIND, 3)LPT1-LPT2 swap with SuperSpool, 4)Patch to      BSAVER.BAS, 5)Another GRAPHICS.COM patch.                        
  137. help,Q&A,640K,address,serial port,switch,hard disk,PATH          M. Zachmann                                  PC TUTOR                                                         PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        2831)Addressing past 640K, 2)Serial port switching, 3)Hard disk     organization and PATH.                                                                                                            
  138. review,real estate,invest,analysis,EZ-RE,Lotus 1-2-3,DataBroker  B. Alvernaz                                  "Real Estate Returns"                                            PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        287Review of real estate software: 1)EZ-RE Investor (LB Associates) (uses Lotus 1-2-3), 2)DataBroker, Version 2.0 (DataBroker Sys-   tems), a complete office management system.                      
  139. review,Knowledge Index,medicine,database,on-line,DBM,pharmacy    B. Friedman, M.D.                            "Pharmaceutical Riches On-Line"                                  PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        291Review of the on-line database service called Knowledge Index,   which has eight medical databases, including a full-text pharma- ceutical database.                                               
  140. law,PC Law,Alumni,Advanced Legal Software,office                 T. Harris                                    "Legal Equalizers"                                               PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        299Review of law office management software: 1)PC Law (by Alumni    Computer Group) and 2)Advanced Legal Software (by Advanced Legal Software, Inc.).                                                 
  141. club,user group,directory,address                                J. Mintzer (Editor)                          CLUB NEWS - "PC User Groups"                                     PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        303Partial directory (update) of PC user group names and addresses.                                                                                                                                   
  142. communication,CTTY,tutorial,remote,access,console,change         A. Glossbrenner                              "Remote Access With CTTY"                                        PC Mag  85/02a Feb v.4 n.3        337Tutorial on the CTTY command---running your PC from another com- puter's console.                                                                                                                  
  143. conference,show,optical,laser,video,disk,compact                 A. Schwartz                                  PC NEWS - "New Disk Developments: Power Promises for PCs"        PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         331984 conference on optical, compact, and video disks, held in    Washington D.C., provides a look at the future of the technology for the PC.                                                      
  144. do-it-yourself,speed,12 MHz,16 MHz,clock,crystal,IBM PC-AT       B. Harts                                     PC NEWS - "AT Speed Thrills On Cheap Crystal"                    PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         35Discussion of how to increase the clock speed of the IBM PC-AT bypurchasing and installing a 16 MHz crystal in place of the 12 MHzone supplied by IBM.                                             
  145. IBM PC-AT,shortage,hard disk,problem                             C. Bermant                                   PC NEWS - "IBM Admits AT Woes"                                   PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         35IBM announces shortage of IBM PC-ATs because of shortage of      parts.  Industry experts say it is because of hard disk problems.                                                                 
  146. do-it-yourself,speed,12 MHz,16 MHz,clock,crystal,IBM PC-AT                                                    PC NEWS - "Warning! Warning! Warning!"                           PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         35Warning by PC Magazine not to change the crystal in your         IBM PC-AT.                                                                                                                        
  147. review,Subliminal Suggestion,Self-Hypnosis,Greentree,psychology  C. Sandler                                   PC NEWS - "Mind Altering Software: Do You Want to Trance?"       PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         42Review of Subliminal Suggestion and Self-Hypnosis Programs for   Your Computer (by Greentree Publishers).                                                                                          
  148. interview,J. Diebold,automation,IBM                              M. Porter                                    PC NEWS - "Taking a Close Look At IBM's New Role"                PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         51Interview with John Diebold, chairman of the Diebold Group, a    management and technology consulting firm for the Fortune 500.   He coined the term "automation" in a book by the same name.      
  149. FreeWill,public-domain,user-supported,do-it-yourself             J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Where There's a Will, There's a 'Ware"                PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         51Overview of FreeWill, a public-domain program for creating a     last-will-and-testiment (do-it-yourself).                                                                                         
  150. review,MAYDAY!,Teletech Service,troubleshoot,hotline,help        D. Hannotte                                  PC NEWS - "MAYDAY! Answers Emergency Calls"                      PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         54Review of MAYDAY!: The Software Support Service (by Teletech     Service Corp.), a troubleshooting hotline dedicated to computing problems.                                                        
  151. demonstration disk,consumer                                      E. Freedman                                  PC NEWS - "Buyer's Ed: Taking Demos for a Spin"                  PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         57Discussion of demonstration disks ("...watch out for price       curves when test driving your next potential program purchases").                                                                 
  152. review,disk,diagnostic,Interrogator,Datalife,RID                 B. Howard                                    PC NEWS - "A Second Opinion On Diagnostics"                      PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         59Review of diagnostic programs: Datalife Disk Drive Analyzer (by  Verbatim), Interrogator (by Dysan), Recording Interchange Diag-  nostic (RID) (by Dymek Corp.), ......continued to next record.   
  153. review,disk,Diagnostics II,Cross-Chex,PC-Care,Copy II PC         B. Howard                                    PC NEWS - "A Second Opinion On Diagnostics"                      PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         59...continued from previous record: Cross-Chex (PC-Care) (by AwardSoftware), Diagnostics II (by SuperSoft), and Copy II PC (by Cen-tral Point Software).                                            
  154. confusion,name,HES,Human Edge,Human Engineered                   J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "To Err Is Human"                                      PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         60Discussion of confusion over similarity of initials (HES) for    Uman Edge Software and Human Engineered Software.                                                                                 
  155. review,People Management,CBS,personnel,training                  R. Powell                                    PC NEWS - "Personnel Improvement?"                               PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         62Review of People Management (by CBS Software), a new entry in theManaging For Success series.                                                                                                      
  156. interview,D. Bricklin,VisiCalc,VisiCorp,Software Arts,lawsuit    V. Dudek                                     PC NEWS - "People in the News: Dan Bricklin"                     PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         64Interview with Dan Bricklin, creator of VisiCalc who has energed from his legal battles (Software Arts vs. VisiCorp) with high    hopes for the future.                                            
  157. editorial,commentary,documentation,manual                        P. Somerson                                  FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "Manual Labor?"                       PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         83Editorial commentary on manuals: nobody likes them and with the  proper software, there's no need for them.                                                                                        
  158. editorial,commentary,documentation,manual                        J. Rigo                                      GUEST EDITORIAL - "Long Live the Almighty Manual"                PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         89Editorial commentary on manuals ("...on-line technology has made wonderful advances.....tutorials and help screens....but nothing has yet been produced that renders the manual completely useless"
  159. help,Q&A,bug,linear regression,Lotus 1-2-3                                                                    LETTERS TO PC                                                    PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4         93Errors in "Performing Linear Regressions with 1-2-3" (PC, v.3    n.20).                                                                                                                            
  160. tutorial,screen,output,ANSI,device driver,BIOS,direct,compatible P. Norton                                    THE NORTON CHRONICLES -"Full-Screen Output Fast and `Compatible'"PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        105Tutorial on "how to do screen output well"---two "screen drivers"along with the ANSI device driver solve the problem (one that    uses BIOS and one that writes direct to memory).                 
  161. cover story,color,board,video,display,monitor,screen,insert      G. A. Hart and J. Forney                     "Adapted For The Screen"                                         PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        116Cover story on third-party boards that "...enliven your video    with more color, precision, ..." (25 reviews follow this article)[Also, an insert entitled "Computer/Video Art for PC Magazine"]. 
  162. art,video,PC Magazine,board,monitor,display,screen,insert        M. O'Cone                                    "Computer/Video Art For PC Magazine"                             PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        118Insert in "Adapted For The Screen" by G. A. Hart and J. Forney,  this article describes how the video art displayed in this issue of PC Magazine was created (e.g., the equipment used).           
  163. cover story,review,board,display,video,consumer,product          G. A. Hart and J. Forney                     "Video Board Reviews"                                            PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        121Cover story for 25 reviews of video boards.  Comparative charts  provided on p. 162.                                                                                                               
  164. review,board,display,video,MAI,Amdek,Multiple Adapter Interface  J. Forney                                    "Amdek Multiple Adapter Interface"                               PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        122Video Board Review of: Multiple Adapter Interface (MAI) (by      Amdek).                                                                                                                           
  165. review,board,display,video,MonoGraphPlus,AST                     J. Forney                                    "AST MonoGraphPlus"                                              PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        122Video Board Review of: MonoGraphPlus (by AST).                                                                                                                                                     
  166. review,board,display,video,Colormax,Micromax                     G. A. Hart                                   "Colormax Multi Display"                                         PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        123Video Board Review of: Colormax (by Micromax Systems).                                                                                                                                             
  167. review,board,display,video,CX-1 Color Transformer,Discortex      G. A. Hart                                   "Discortex CX-1 Color Transformer"                               PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        124Video Board Review of: CX-1 Color Transformer (by Discortex).                                                                                                                                      
  168. review,board,display,video,Graphics Edge,Everex                  G. A. Hart                                   "Everex Graphics Edge"                                           PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        124Video Board Review of: Graphics Edge (by Everex Systems).                                                                                                                                          
  169. review,board,display,video,Graphics Pacer,Everex                 G. A. Hart                                   "Everex Graphics Pacer"                                          PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        126Video Board Review of: Graphics Pacer (by Everex Systems).                                                                                                                                         
  170. review,board,display,video,Color Card,Hercules                   J. Forney                                    "Hercules Color Card"                                            PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        127Video Board Review of: Color Card (by Hercules).                                                                                                                                                   
  171. review,board,display,video,Graphics Card,Hercules                J. Forney                                    "Hercules Graphics Card"                                         PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        128Video Board Review of: Graphics Card (by Hercules).                                                                                                                                                
  172. review,board,display,video,IDEAgraphic,IDEAssociates             G. A. Hart                                   "IDEAgraph Color Graphics Card"                                  PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        129Video Board Review of: IDEAgraphic (by IDEAssociates).                                                                                                                                             
  173. review,board,display,video,INNOVATION,Bronson Electronics        G. A. Hart                                   "INNOVATION Color Graphics/Printer Adapter"                      PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        129Video Board Review of: INNOVATION Color Graphics/Printer Adapter (by Bronson Electronics).                                                                                                         
  174. review,board,display,video,PC Peacock,MA Systems                 G. A. Hart                                   "MA Systems PC Peacock"                                          PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        130Video Board Review of: PC Peacock (by MA Systems).                                                                                                                                                 
  175. review,board,display,video,Modular Graphics Card,Paradise        J. Forney                                    "Paradise Modular Graphics Card"                                 PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        130Video Board Review of: Modular Graphics Card (by Paradise Sys-   tems).                                                                                                                            
  176. review,board,display,video,Multi Display Card,Paradise           J. Forney                                    "Paradise Multi Display Card"                                    PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        132Video Board Review of: Multi Display Card (by Paradise Systems).                                                                                                                                   
  177. review,board,display,video,BoB Board,Emulex-Persyst              G. A. Hart                                   "Persyst BoB Color Adapter"                                      PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        132Video Board Review of: BoB Board (by Emulex-Persyst).                                                                                                                                              
  178. review,board,display,video,MULTIGRAPH,Profit Systems             G. A. Hart                                   "Profit Systems MULTIGRAPH"                                      PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        133Video Board Review of: MULTIGRAPH (by Profit Systems).                                                                                                                                             
  179. review,board,display,video,Quadcolor I,Quadram                   G. A. Hart                                   "Quadram Quadcolor I"                                            PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        138Video Board Review of: Quadcolor I (by Quadram).                                                                                                                                                   
  180. review,board,display,video,Quadcolor II,Quadram                  G. A. Hart                                   "Quadram Quadcolor II"                                           PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        139Video Board Review of: Quadcolor II (by Quadram).                                                                                                                                                  
  181. review,board,display,video,Color 400,Sigma Designs               G. A. Hart                                   "Sigma Color-400 Color Adapter"                                  PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        139Video Board Review of: Color 400 (by Sigma Designs).                                                                                                                                               
  182. review,board,display,video,Graphic Dazzler I,Enhancer,Sigma      G. A. Hart                                   "Graphic Dazzler I and Graphic Enhancer"                         PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        140Video Board Review of: Graphic Dazzler I and Graphic Enhancer    (by Sigma Designs).                                                                                                               
  183. review,board,display,video,Graphic Dazzler I,Enhancer,Sigma      G. A. Hart                                   "Graphic Dazzler II"                                             PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        146Video Board Review of: Graphic Dazzler II (by Sigma Designs).                                                                                                                                      
  184. review,board,display,video,Graphix Plus II,STB                   G. A. Hart                                   "STB Graphix Plus II"                                            PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        146Video Board Review of: Graphix Plus II (by STB Systems Inc.).                                                                                                                                      
  185. review,board,display,video,SuperVision,California Computer,CCS   G. A. Hart                                   "C.C.S. SuperVision"                                             PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        149Video Board Review of: SuperVision (by California Computer Sys-  tems (CCS)).                                                                                                                      
  186. review,board,display,video,Graphics Master,Tecmar                J. Forney                                    "Tecmar Graphics Master"                                         PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        150Video Board Review of: Graphics Master (by Tecmar).                                                                                                                                                
  187. review,board,display,video,UltraPAK,Tseng                        G. A. Hart                                   "Tseng UltraPAK Board"                                           PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        153Video Board Review of: UltraPAK (by Tseng Laboratories).                                                                                                                                           
  188. review,board,display,video,VectorScan 512,Applied Data           G. A. Hart                                   "Applied Data VectorScan 512"                                    PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        158Video Board Review of: VectorScan 512 (by Applied Data Systems).                                                                                                                                   
  189. review,PC-EYE,Chorus,video,board,graphics,digital image,insert   J. Forney                                    "Video Wizardry With PC-EYE"                                     PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        172Review of PC-EYE Video Capture System (by Chorus Data Inc.).     [Also, inserts entitled "Painting By Number" and "The Early Days Of Digital Imaging"].                                            
  190. tutorial,PC-EYE,Chorus,video,board,graphics,digital image,insert J. Forney                                    "Painting By Number"                                             PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        177Insert in "Video Wizardry With PC-EYE" by the author, this arti- cle is a tutorial on digital imaging.                                                                                             
  191. history,video,board,graphics,digital image,Scripps,insert        J. Forney                                    "The Early Days Of Digital Imaging"                              PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        181Insert in "Video Wizardry With PC-EYE" by the author, this arti- cle describes some of the early work in the field of digital     imaging (e.g., at the Scripps Institute Visibility Laboratory).  
  192. review,C-77 Video Mixer,Rapitech,graphics,TV,digital image       J. Forney                                    "The C-77 Video Mix-Up"                                          PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        186Review of the C-77 Video Mixer (by Rapitech Systems Inc.), a     compact box that mixes video images and computer generated gra-  phics and displays them on an ordinary TV screen.                
  193. tutorial,graphics,MC6845,chip,CRT,TV,videotape,VHS,Betamax,insertD. Powell                                    "Getting on the Air"                                             PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        190Tutorial on how to program MC6845 CRT controller chip on the IBM Color/Graphics board to produce TV images (and dump to videotape)[Also, an insert entitled "Video Wave Video Help"].              
  194. CAV,Comprehensive Video,graphics,TV,videotape,insert             R. Tobias                                    "New Wave Video Help"                                            PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        194Insert in "Getting on the Air" by D. Powell, this article is an  overview of CAV (Computer Aided Video) (by Comprehensive Video   Supply Corporation), software to aid in the production of video. 
  195. interview,Father Rudy Koss,catholic,kid,child,North Dallas       S. Kariya                                    "The PC Pied Piper Of North Dallas"                              PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        196Interview with Father Rudy Koss, who shares both his love of     computers and his PC with the kids in his North Dallas parish.                                                                    
  196. review,Rags to Riches,Chang,accounting,Price Waterhouse          G. W. Dauphinias and G. Seller               "Accounting For Individual Tastes"                               PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        200Price Waterhouse review of Rags to Riches (by Chang Laborator-   ies), an accounting package designed for very small businesses.                                                                   
  197. review,Enable,Software Group,integrated                          D. Burns and S. Venit                        "Enable Does It Right"                                           PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        209Review of Enable (by The Software Group), an integrated software package.                                                                                                                          
  198. interview,R. Hollander,special-effect,movie,film,2010,2001,insertB. Krasnoff                                  "2010: A PC Odyssey"                                             PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        216Interview with special-effects master Robert Hollander and otherswho use the PC and AT to create futuristic graphics for the movie2010, the sequence to 2001.  [Insert "A Head for Digitizing"].   
  199. interview,R. Hollander,special-effect,movie,digital image,insert B. Krasnoff                                  "A Head for Digitizing"                                          PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        220Insert in "2010: A PC Odyssey" by the author, this article is a  continuation of the interview with special-effects master Robert Hollander, discussing digital image techniques in films.         
  200. crossword puzzle,microcomputer,trivia                            L. Van Gelder                                "A Microcomputer Crossword"                                      PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        226Crossword puzzle based on microcomputer trivia.                                                                                                                                                    
  201. interview,Oxford English Dictionary,OED,on-line,database,DBM,IBM M. Porter                                    "Oxford (aks'ferd) Goes On-Line"                                 PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        233Interview with staff of the Oxford University Press who, with thefinancial help of IBM, are putting all 17 volumes of the Oxford  English Dictionary on-line.                                      
  202. review,game,Baron,Blue Chip,Computer Diplomacy,Avalon Hill       P. Wiswell                                   PC ARCADE - "Strategic Moves"                                    PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        241Review of the games: Baron (by Blue Chip Software) and Computer  Diplomacy (by Avalon Hill Microcomputer Games).                                                                                   
  203. tutorial,COPY,ERASE,move,file,directory,REDirect,assembly        J. Dickinson                                 "REDirecting Your Files"                                         PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        245Tutorial on how to move files form one directory to another with-out all the usual COPYing and ERASEing bother (assembly program  listing for REDirect command).                                   
  204. help,Q&A,FLIP.COM,screen,switch,WordStar,patch,LPT2,backspace,DIRP. Somerson (Editor)                         USER-TO-USER                                                     PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        2561)FLIP.COM (.BAS) for switching the active page between screens, 2)WordStar patch/LPT1-LPT2 switch, 3)WordStar patch for backspacekey, 4)Using DIR in order to list the directories.               
  205. help,Q&A,assembly,BASIC,sequential,file,open,F4 key,redefine     M. Zachmann                                  PC TUTOR                                                         PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        2601)Using assembly language in BASIC, 2)Opening a sequential file  on drive B:, 3)Redefinition of F4 (SAVE) key in BASIC.                                                                            
  206. review,Clinical Research,CRS,medicine,patient profile,analyze    M. Crouch                                    "PC Clinical Testing"                                            PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        263Review of Clinical Research System (by International Medical Pro-ducts Corp.), an integrated package that combines DBM with sta-  tistical analysis and graphics---for patient profile analysis.   
  207. tutorial,Lotus 1-2-3,random number,finance,model,spreadsheet     J. Boswell                                   "Modeling with 1-2-3: The RAND Command"                          PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        269Tutorial on using random number generator (RAND) in Lotus 1-2-3  to turn your spreadsheet into a financial modeling tool.                                                                          
  208. law,legal,modem,communication,LAN,information,DBM,network,on-lineW. Grunbaum                                  "Legal Connections"                                              PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        273Discussion of how modems offer a low-cost alternative to LANs in order to allow attorneys and support staff to share legal infor- mation and services.                                             
  209. review,HyperGraphics,author,education                            G. Dunn                                      "Hyped-Up Authoring"                                             PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        277Review of HyperGraphics (by HyperGraphics Corp.), an authoring   system.                                                                                                                           
  210. club,user group,directory,address                                J. Mintzer (Editor)                          CLUB NEWS - "PC User Groups"                                     PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        281Partial directory (update) of PC user group names and addresses.                                                                                                                                   
  211. review,book,language,assembly                                    D. Hannotte                                  BOOK REVIEW - "Peering into the PC's Brain: Assembly Language"   PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        327Review of: C. C. Chien,PROGRAMMING THE IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER: AS-SEMBLY LANGUAGE (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1984); C. B. GermainPROGRAMMING THE IBM PC & XT: A GUIDE TO LANGUAGES (Brady, 1984)  
  212. tutorial,editor,index card,DBM,notes,Volkswriter,writer,author   D. Pearlman                                  "Throw Out Your Index Cards"                                     PC Mag  85/02b Feb v.4 n.4        331Tutorial on how to use your editor (e.g., Volkswriter) to take   notes, keep files, and build a database for research or writing  projects.                                                        
  213. industry,reaction,IBM PC-AT,distribution,delay,announcement      V. Dudek and C. Bermant                      PC NEWS - "Industry Reactions Vary To AT Distribution Cuts"      PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         33Discussion of how the microcomputer industry is reacting to IBM'sannouncement of delays in the availability of the enhanced PC-AT.                                                                 
  214. Management Sciences,MSA,retail,wholesale,Peachtree               J. Dickinson                                 PC NEWS - "MSA Will Get It For You Wholesale"                    PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         33Overview of a new division of Management Sciences of America     (MSA)---the Micro Distribution Division will bring discount re-  tailing to corporate users (MSA owns Peachtree Software).        
  215. U.S. President,on-line,database,White House News Service,Dialcom J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "All the President's Words on New Service"             PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         34The President's speeches, executive orders, schedule, and other  announcements are now available on-line via the White House News Service (on ITT's Dialcom network).                              
  216. Tallgrass,mass storage,tape,backup,replace,product               C. Bermant                                   PC NEWS - "Tallgrass Replaces Line"                              PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         35Tallgrass Technologies, a manufacturer of mass storage systems   and tape backup units, is replacing its entire product line in   March.                                                           
  217. Tandy Model 1200 HD,hard disk,format,time                        J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Tandy Takes Its Time---and Yours"                     PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         35Short commentary on the excessive length of time it takes to     format the hard disk on the Tandy Model 1200 HD.                                                                                  
  218. review,Professional BASIC,Morgan Computing                       J. M. Woram                                  PC NEWS - "Morgan Computing's BASIC Differences"                 PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         42Review of Professional BASIC (by Morgan Computing Co.).                                                                                                                                            
  219. modem,communication,CoSystem,computerphone,Cygnet,test,warranty  J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Modems Call Home"                                     PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         48Cygnet Technologies Inc. offers an "electronic warranty card"    with its CoSystem computerphone---simply dial up the company,    thereby providing a practical test of the system as well.        
  220. Business Computer Network,BCN,database,free,communication,modem  M. D. Stone                                  PC NEWS - "Getting On-line at the Database Supermarket"          PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         50Business Computer Network (BCN) is offering free communications  software, a 300/1200 baud modem, plus other things in order to   get you to try their "supermarket for databases".                
  221. Reflect Text,public-domain,free,reverse,iron-on transfers,T-shirtJ. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Dot-Matrix Clothes Processing"                        PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         50Overview of a public-domain program (Reflect Text) for reversing input text in variety of type sizes (can be used in order to makeiron-on transfers for T-shirts).                                 
  222. blockbuster,attitude,marketing,Lotus 1-2-3                       M. Porter                                    PC NEWS - "Stalking the Next 1-2-3"                              PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         52Discussion of how marketing executives have spread the           "blockbuster" attitude in the software market (Lotus 1-2-3 was a so-called "blockbuster" when it was first introduced).           
  223. review,PhoneChek,Xiox,monitor,telephone,budget,expense,record    T. Badgett                                   PC NEWS - "Dial PC for Savings"                                  PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         55Review of PhoneChek (by Xiox Corp.), a program for monitoring themonthly telephone budget.                                                                                                         
  224. VDT,lazy eye,amblyopia,vision,ailment,cure,medicine,game,display J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Video Gamers Score High for Their Eyes"               PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         55Discussion of how VDTs, according to eye researchers, can help   cure the visual ailment called amblyopia (aka "lazy eye").                                                                        
  225. interview,A. Harding,New Mexico,state,government,ComputerLand    C. Bermant                                   PC NEWS - "PCs Elected for Duty in New Mexico Statehouse"        PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         58Interview with Al Harding, owner of a ComputerLand franchise, whohas a lucrative business selling PC products to the New Mexico   state government.                                                
  226. REAL/NET,real estate,photo,Kalamazoo                             E. Freedman                                  PC NEWS - "PCs Prove To Be The Real Estate Thing"                PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         60Overview of REAL/NET, a program that allows real estate people   to lookup a piece of property and to display a photograph in     color on a monitor (first used in Kalamazoo, Michigan).          
  227. interview,P. Funk,Sideways                                       V. Dudek                                     PC NEWS - "People in the News: Paul Funk"                        PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         62Interview with Paul Funk, author of the Sideways program for     printing spreadsheets (and other things) sideways.                                                                                
  228. editorial,commentary,improve,innovation,product                  S. Manes                                     FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "Worshipping Mi Tu"                   PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         81Editorial commentary on the fact that innovations in the micro-  computer industry seem to be getting crowded out by products thatare simply improvements of the old thing.                        
  229. editorial,commentary,consumer,audience,advertise,sophistication  P. Green                                     GUEST EDITORIAL - "Here's My Beef"                               PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         90Commentary on how microcomputer advertising falls below the levelof sophistication of the consumer audience.                                                                                       
  230. help,Q&A,Compaq,case,open,algebraic equation,Lotus 1-2-3                                                      LETTERS TO PC                                                    PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5         931)How to open the Compaq case of the computer, 2)Algebraic equa- tions with Lotus 1-2-3.                                                                                                           
  231. tutorial,screen,output,device driver,BIOS,direct                 P. Norton                                    THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "Screen Drivers and Output"              PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        101Continuation of the previous column on screen output with a de-  tailed discussion of screen drivers---using the BIOS services    and the direct-to-screen approach to display screen output.      
  232. review,Speech Master,Tecmar,V101/102,VYNET,board,sound,insert    D. Aarons                                    "The Voice of the '80s"                                          PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        114Review of speech synthesis boards: Speech Master (by Tecmar) and V101/102 Series (by VYNET Corp.).  [Also, an insert entitled     "In the Beginning, Thus Spoke the Voder"].                       
  233. history,VODER,Voice Operation Demonstrator,sound,Bell Labs,insertR. Tobias                                    "In the Beginning, Thus Spoke the Voder"                         PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        119Insert in "The Voice of the '80s" by D. Aarons, this article     discusses the Voice Operation Demonstrator (VODER) that was      exhibited by Bell Labs at the 1936 World's Fair in New York.     
  234. review,VocaLink,Dialogic,AudoPilot,PC-Mate,VPC 2000,speech,insertJ. Schoen                                    "When You Talk, Your PC Listens"                                 PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        122Review of speech recognition boards: 1)VocaLink, 2)Dialogic 2,   3)PC-Mate Voice Recognition Board, 4)VPC 2000 VoiceCard, and     5)AudoPilot 1000.  [Also, insert "How Speech Recognition Works"].
  235. tutorial,speech,recognition,sound,insert                         J. Schoen                                    "How Speech Recognition Works"                                   PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        125Insert in "When You Talk, Your PC Listens" by the author, this   article is a tutorial on speech recognition.                                                                                      
  236. review,Asher,VOAD,Watson,Cygnet CoSystem,telephone               G. A. Hart                                   "The PC-Telephone Connection"                                    PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        133Review of computerized telephone systems: 1)Asher (by Quadram),  2)VOAD Keyboard Phone (by VOAD Systems), Watson (by Natural      MicroSystems), and Cygnet CoSystem (by Cygnet Technologies).     
  237. review,Freedom I,voice,synthesizer,sound,vision,handicap,blind   D. Ritchie                                   "Talking Software For the Visually Impaired"                     PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        148Review of Freedom I (by Interface Systems International), a voicesynthesizer that provides computer power to the blind and vis-   ually impaired.                                                  
  238. review,MicroVox,Micromint,kit,do-it-yourself,voice,Votrax,SC-01A W. L. Rosch                                  "Speaking Your Mind With MicroVox"                               PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        157Review of MicroVox (by Micromint Inc.), a voice synthesizer kit  that uses the Votrax SC-01A chip.                                                                                                 
  239. tutorial,fiber optic,communication,network,light                 J. Hecht                                     "Fiber Optics Light Up Networks"                                 PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        169Overview of fiber optic communication and computer networks.                                                                                                                                       
  240. review,SYSTAT,EPISTAT,statistics,Gustafson,insert                R. S. Lee and J. Cohen                       "Good with Stats: SYSTAT & EPISTAT"                              PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        179Review of the statistical packages: SYSTAT, Version 2.0 (by      SYSTAT Inc.) and EPISTAT (by Tracy L. Gustafson, M.D.).  [Also,  an insert entitled "Seeing the Forest Through the Trees"].       
  241. review,SPSS/PC,statistics,social science,mainframe               W. G. Vanderbok                              "SPSS Arrives on the PC"                                         PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        191Review of SPSS/PC (by SPSS Inc.), a PC version of the popular    mainframe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.                                                                            
  242. tutorial,CTTY,remote,terminal,modem,communication                S. Manes                                     "Control Your PC From Anywhere With CTTY"                        PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        198Tutorial on the CTTY command and how to control your modem-      equipped PC from virtually any remote terminal.  [Also, an insertentitled "Connecting Modem to Modem"].                           
  243. tutorial,CTTY,remote,terminal,modem,communication                S. Manes                                     "Connecting Modem to Modem"                                      PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        202Insert in "Control Your PC From Anywhere With CTTY" by the auth- or, this article shows you how to use two modems to hook up your PC to a remote terminal.                                         
  244. review,MWC86,Williams,C language,csd,debugger,window,insert      K. Christian                                 "Cleaning Up C with Windows"                                     PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        206Review of The C Programming System (MWC86 C Compiler and csd C   source debugger) (by Mark Williams Co.). [Also, inserts "Old Com-piler, New Tricks" and "C to dBASE II"].                         
  245. review,MWC86,Williams,C language,csd,debugger,window,insert      K. Christian                                 "Old Compiler, New Tricks"                                       PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        210Insert in "Cleaning Up C with Windows" by the author, this arti- cle is a continuation of the review of The C Programming System  (by Mark Williams Co.), looking specifically at the enhancements.
  246. review,C to dBASE II,Computer Innovations,C language,insert      K. Christian                                 "C to dBASE II"                                                  PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        212Insert in "Cleaning Up C with Windows" by the author, this arti- cle is a review of C to dBASE II (by Computer Innovations Inc.), a package of 78 C subroutines to extend the power of dBASE II.   
  247. review,Active Trace,AWARECO,BASIC,BetaTool,utility,debug         G. A. Hart                                   "New Ways to Kill BASIC Bugs"                                    PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        216Review of the BASIC utilities: Active Trace (by AWARECO) and     BASIC Development System (by BetaTool Systems), utilities for    debugging BASIC programs.                                        
  248. review,DayFlo,free-form,DBM,ReportFlo                            D. Pearlman                                  "Structuring Data As You Like It With DayFlo"                    PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        227Review of DayFlo and ReportFlo (by DayFlo Inc.), a "free-form"   DBM package.                                                                                                                      
  249. tutorial,printer,port,LPT1,LPT2,LPTPORT,LQP,dot-matrix,switch    J. Dickinson                                 "The Great Printer Swap"                                         PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        241Tutorial on switching between high-speed draft (i.e., dot-matrix)and letter quality printers (program LPTPORT).                                                                                    
  250. review,game,Word Challenge,Hayden,Monty Plays Scrabble,Ritam     P. Wiswell                                   PC ARCADE - "Instant Wordplay"                                   PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        249Review of the games: Word Challenge (by Hayden Software Co.) and Monty Plays Scrabble (by Ritam Corp.).                                                                                            
  251. help,Q&A,monitor,align,distort,pincushion,italic,direct,disk,editM. Zachmann                                  PC TUTOR                                                         PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        2591)Monitor misalignment (distortion, aka "pincushion effect"),    2)Italics on FX-80/not on IBM Graphics Printer, 3)Tutorial on    direct disk writing (i.e., editing).                             
  252. help,Q&A,WordStar,key,trick,mono,FOR,batch,NEWPRINT,wrap,stripperP. Somerson (Editor)                         USER-TO-USER                                                     PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        2631)Extra WordStar keys, 2)Tricks (programs)/monochrome display,   3)Using DOS FOR statement outside batch files, 4)NEWPRINT.BAS forwrapping, 5)Print stripper.                                      
  253. review,Value/Screen,,Value Line,finance,invest,stock market      J. Boswell                                   "A Line on Investments: Knowing the Value"                       PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        271Review of Value/Screen (by Value Line Inc.), a financial analysisprogram.                                                                                                                          
  254. tutorial,PFS:File,PFS:Report,,advertise,office                   G. Abelson                                   "Manage Your Accounts with PFS"                                  PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        279Tutorial showing uses for the PFS software package (i.e.,PFS:Fileand PFS:Report), particularly in an advertising office.                                                                           
  255. medicine,spreadsheet,tutorial,Lotus 1-2-3,clinical               P. Lempert, M.D.                             "Clinical Uses for Spreadsheets"                                 PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        283Tutorial on how to use spreadsheet programs, like Lotus 1-2-3, to"monitor everything from primary diagnoses and frequency of ap-  pointments to the side effects of drugs".                        
  256. IBM,AEP,Advanced Education Program,Ivy League,college,ethics     M. Porter                                    "Making Inroads at the Ivory Tower"                              PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        287Overview of IBM's Advanced Education Program (AEP) for financial help to Ivy League colleges, and a discussion of the ethical     questions raised.                                                
  257. club,user group,directory,address                                J. Mintzer (Editor)                          CLUB NEWS - "PC User Groups"                                     PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        291Partial directory (update) of PC user group names and addresses.                                                                                                                                   
  258. review,book,software guide                                       H. Karten                                    BOOK REVIEW - "Software Sorting"                                 PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        341Review of: DATAPRO/MCGRAW-HILL GUIDE TO IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER    SOFTWARE (datapro Research, 1983); G. Van Diver, IBM PERSONAL    COMPUTER & XT: THE SOFTWARE GUIDE (Micro Information, 1983).     
  259. communication,PC-Talk III,merge file,enhance,guide               M. D. Stone                                  "The Urge To Merge"                                              PC Mag  85/03a Mar v.4 n.5        345A guide to useful merge files for use with PC-Talk III.                                                                                                                                            
  260. pirate,protect,ADAPSO,security                                   D. Kennedy and C. Stark                      PC NEWS - "Fighting the Pirates With a Lock and a Key"           PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         33Some of the biggest companies in the software industry have      joined forces under the standard of the Association of Data Pro- cessing Services Organizations (ADAPSO)---to stop pirating.      
  261. American Brands,MicroPro,lawsuit,legal,copy,WordStar             C. Bermant                                   PC NEWS - "MicroPro Sues American Brands"                        PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         33American Brands, the 79th largest corporation in America, is     being sued by MicroPro for allegedly copying WordStar, SpellStar,and MailMerge in high volume for internal use.                   
  262. Future Computing,ADAPSO,survey,pirate,protect                    D. Kennedy                                   PC NEWS - "Software Ripoff"                                      PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         34Future Computing, a Dallas-based research firm, has conducted a  survey with ADAPSO which reveals that "50 percent of all softwaremay be unauthorized copies".                                     
  263. Apple,Macintosh Office,LAN,IBM PC                                J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Apple's Net Snares IBM"                               PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         35Apple Computer has introduced a group of new products ("the Mac- intosh Office") that will accept IBM PCs as equal partners in an Apple local area network.                                        
  264. CES,show,faire,Las Vegas                                         M. Porter                                    PC NEWS - "Little Action in Las Vegas For PCs at Winter CES"     PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         35Overview of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held in Las Vegasin January.                                                                                                                       
  265. dealer,sales,support,National Distribution,NDD,Entry Systems,ESD C. Bermant                                   PC NEWS - "Doing the PC Shuffle"                                 PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         35IBM increase its PC dealer sales and support---The National Dis- tribution Division (NDD) takes over this task from the Entry Sys-tems Division (ESD).                                             
  266. CES,show,faire,new,product,Las Vegas                             P. Wiswell                                   PC NEWS - "New Products at CES"                                  PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         39Discussion of new products introduced at the Consumer ElectronicsShow (CES) held in Las Vegas in January.                                                                                          
  267. review,Better BASIC,Summit                                       J. M. Woram                                  PC NEWS - "Some BASIC Improvements"                              PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         47Review of Better BASIC (by Summit Software Technology).                                                                                                                                            
  268. commentary,change,debut                                          T. Badgett                                   PC NEWS - "PC Update"                                            PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         50Commentary on "change", the watchword of the microcomputer indus-try (debut of this column).                                                                                                       
  269. Integral PC,Hewlett-Packard,HP                                   J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "H-P with Printer and Unix-To-Go"                      PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         50Overview of the Integral PC (by Hewlett-Packard Co.).                                                                                                                                              
  270. review,Higgins,Conetic,desk,manager,organizer,notepad,calculator C. L. Stark                                  PC NEWS - "Higgins: A Top Desk Organizer"                        PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         52Review of Higgins (by Conetic Systems Inc.), a desk management   package.                                                                                                                          
  271. product name,Black Box,Micom                                     J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Pulling Widgets Out of a Black Box"                   PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         52Discussion on "picking the right name", with the Black Box by    Micom Systems used as an example.                                                                                                 
  272. interview,R. Markell,IBM,VP,develop,publish                      J. Dickinson                                 PC NEWS - "People in the News: Robert Markell"                   PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         55Interview with Robert Markell, IBM's vice-president of software  developing and publishing.                                                                                                        
  273. review,Business Graphics System,Bell & Howell,slide,presentation D. Kennedy                                   PC NEWS - "Bell & Howell Launches New Graphics System"           PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         57Review of the Business Graphics System (by Bell & Howell Co.), a combination of hardware and software that works with PCs to pro- duce top-quality slides and printed presentation graphics.       
  274. Apple,promotional,Macintosh,home,overnight                       J. Langdell (Editor)                         PC NEWS - "PC Communiques: Apple's Moonlight Drive"              PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         58Discussion of Apple Computer's promotional whereby you can take  a Macintosh and six software packages home overnight.                                                                             
  275. Noumenon,Intuit,price,cost,promotional,advertise                 J. Langdell (Editor)                         PC NEWS - "PC Communiques: Intuit's Price Finds Its Own..........PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         58.....Level - $89.95".   Noumenon Corporation's promotional intro-duction of its Intuit integrated software package is discussed   (they started out selling it at $50 and raised it by $20/week).  
  276. Fortune,magazine,IBM PC-AT,1984,exciting                         J. Langdell (Editor)                         PC NEWS - "PC Communiques: The Best and the Brightest"           PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         58Fortune magazine named the IBM PC-AT as one of the 12 most ex-   citing products of 1984.                                                                                                          
  277. palindrome,WordStar,RATS DROWN IN WORDSTAR                       J. Langdell (Editor)                         PC NEWS - "PC Communiques: MicroPro's Rodent Processor"          PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         58PC contributor, Dean Hannotte, came up with an elegant palindrome(i.e., a sentence that reads the same forwards and backwards):   "RATS DROWN IN WORDSTAR".                                        
  278. product,noise,heat,cable,accessory                               W. L. Rosch                                  PC NEWS - "Down Time"                                            PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         60Debut of a new column, this commentary discusses noise, heat, andother bothersome problems with the PC---and products available   for reducing their effect.                                       
  279. Generic Disk,Computer Communication                              J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Disks Go Generic"                                     PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         60Discussion of the Generic Disk (by Computer Communication Sys-   tems).                                                                                                                            
  280. Processed World,magazine                                         F. Paul                                      PC NEWS - "The Magazine with a Bad Attitude"                     PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         62Overview of Processed World, "the magazine with the bad attitude"                                                                                                                                  
  281. interview,B. Bender,CusServ 9999,customer,service,hot-line       S. Manes                                     PC NEWS - "Parity Check"                                         PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         64Column debut. Interview with Bill Bender, president of           SWare Ltd., and a look at his firm's newest product: CusServ 9999(a customer-service hot-line package).                           
  282. PCjr,BBS,communication,B. Oakes                                  J. Langdell                                  PC NEWS - "Dialing for Juniors"                                  PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         64Overview of a bulletin board service (BBS) just for PCjr users   (by Bill Oakes of Los Angeles).                                                                                                   
  283. editorial,commentary,BBS,PC Magazine,Interactive Reader,listing  B. Machrone                                  FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "The Interactive Reader"              PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         83Discussion of the PC Magazine Interactive Reader System---a bul- letin board system (BBS) which contains, among other things, all the program listings in every issue of PC since the start of 1984
  284. help,Q&A,printer,Facit,solder,Microline,command,Toshiba,font                                                  LETTERS TO PC                                                    PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6         951)Facit 4511 printer/solder bubble, 2)Microline printer/command  sequences, 3)Toshiba 1351 printer/font programs.                                                                                  
  285. tutorial,TopView,fine tune                                       P. Norton                                    THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "Writing Programs for TopView"           PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        105Tutorial on "fine tuning" your programs to work with TopView.                                                                                                                                      
  286. tutorial,repair,maintain,do-it-yourself,disk drive               H. F. Beechhold                              "Maintain Your Sanity: Maintain Your Disk Drives"                PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        116Tutorial on maintaining and repairing your disk drives.                                                                                                                                            
  287. tutorial,repair,do-it-yourself,board,POST,power-on self-test,RAM G. B. Williams                               "Circuit Board Home Remedies"                                    PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        124Tutorial on diagnosing problems on the PC circuit board with the aid of the power-on self-test (POST) and associated messages on  the screen.                                                      
  288. tutorial,repair,do-it-yourself,power,keyboard,monitor,printer    G. B. Williams                               "Power Plays & Peripherals"                                      PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        130Tutorial on diagnosing problems with the power supply or with theperipherals (i.e., keyboard, monitor, or printer).                                                                                
  289. tutorial,repair,maintain,service,contract,insert                 W. L. McKibbin                               "Taking Out A Contract On Your PC"                               PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        136Overview of service contracts to provide maintenance on your PC. [Also, an insert entitled "Comparison Shopping for Service Con-  tracts"].                                                        
  290. tutorial,repair,maintain,service,contract,vendor,insert          W. L. McKibbin                               "Comparison Shopping for Service Contracts"                      PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        140Insert in "Taking Out A Contract On Your PC" by the author, this article gives a list of some of the service contract vendors thatare available for repairing and maintaining your PC.             
  291. tutorial,repair,maintain,do-it-yourself,checklist,precaution     D. Atwater                                   "Keeping The Repairman Away"                                     PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        142Tutorial on minimizing future repairs to your PC (simple pre-    cautions and a spot checklist).                                                                                                   
  292. review,SLAM II,Pritsker,language,simulation,model,business       J. B. Young                                  "A Grand SLAM for Simulation"                                    PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        148Review of SLAM II (by Pritsker & Associates), a specialized lan- guage for performing computer simulations (e.g., to model solu-  tions to business problems).                                     
  293. review,Price Waterhouse,Trademark,Dow Jones,Business Accounting  G. W. Dauphinais and M. A. Yesko             "Dow Jones Does The Books"                                       PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        162Price Waterhouse review of: Software For Business Accounting     (by Trademark Software (a Dow Jones subsidiary)).                                                                                 
  294. review,Evelyn Wood,Speed Reader II,The Computer Course           D. Pearlman                                  "Speed Through The Reading Barrier"                              PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        175Review of: 1)The Evelyn Wood Dynamic Reader (by Timeworks Inc.), 2)Speed Reader II (by Davidson and Associates), and 3)Speed Read-ing...The Computer Course (by Bureau of Business Practice).      
  295. review,Visual Commuter Computer,lap-size,portable,compatible     R. Racko                                     "Computing On the Run"                                           PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        188Review of the Visual Commuter Computer (by Visual Technology), a lap-size compatible portable.                                                                                                     
  296. review,SOLD!,Sales Edge,EasySales/Pro,Insurance Sales Maker      F. Vaughan                                   "Software for the HARD SELL"                                     PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        194Review of software for salesmen: 1)SOLD! (by Courseware Inc.),   2)Insurance Sales Maker (by Execu-Record), 3)EasySales/Pro (by   Sorcim/IUS), and 4)The Sales Edge (by Human Edge Software).      
  297. review,text formatter,MicroScript,ReadiWriter,WORDIX,insert      D. Hannotte                                  "Put Your Text in Top Form"                                      PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        209Review of text formatters: 1)Script/PC, 2)MicroScript, 3)WORDIX/ INDIX, 4)ReadiWriter.  [Also, inserts entitled "Benchmark Test   Results", "Bloops and Blunders", and "Wishlist"].                
  298. review,Plain Vanilla,Net Worth,Stockfocus,finance,invest,money   T. A. Meyers                                 "Modest Investments Yield Large Returns"                         PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        225Review of investment programs: 1)Plain Vanilla Portfolio (by     Iris Communications), 2)Net Worth (by Bullish Investment Soft-   ware), 3)Stockfocus (by Centennial)......continued to next record
  299. review,Evaluation Form,Technical Indicator,finance,invest,money  T. A. Meyers                                 "Modest Investments Yield Large Returns"                         PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        225...cont. from previous record.  4)The Evaluation Form (by Inves- tor's Software), and 5)Technical Indicator Program (by InvestmentSoftware).                                                       
  300. review,PC-870 Network Storage System,U.S. Design,LAN,hard disk   W. L. Rosch                                  "PC-870: Fast Anchor for Your Network"                           PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        233Review of PC-870 Network Storage System (by U.S. Design Corp.),  a hard disk system designed specifically with networking in mind.                                                                 
  301. tutorial,file,backup,copy,MOVE.COM,utility                       S. Holzner                                   "Copying Files Selectively"                                      PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        239File backup program MOVE.COM (and tutorial) are given---a short  utility for avoiding the tedium of keying in filenames when copy-ing files to a backup disk.                                      
  302. help,Q&A,HEXASCII,DEBUG,message,global,FIND,GETKEY,direct,batch  P. Somerson (Editor)                         USER-TO-USER                                                     PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        2461)HEXASCII.BAS for listing hex-values of strings, 2)DEBUGing the screen display message(s), 3)Global FIND, 3)GETKEY.COM utility   for directing batch file execution,.....continued to next record 
  303. help,Q&A,Daisywriter 2000,printer,sheet feeder,VERTICAL,heading  P. Somerson (Editor)                         USER-TO-USER                                                     PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        246....continued from previous record.  4)Daisywriter 2000/sheet    feeder problem, 5)VERTICAL.BAS for putting vertical headings on  the screen.                                                      
  304. help,Q&A,TV,RGB,interrupt 25h,Turbo Pascal,motherboard,schematic M. Zachmann                                  PC TUTOR                                                         PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        2531)TVs with RGB capability, 2)Interrupt 25h problems/Turbo Pascal,3)IBM PC motherboard schematic/Technical Reference Manual.                                                                        
  305. help,Q&A,spreadsheet,1-2-3,Symphony,cell address,reverse,date    D. Hoffman (Editor)                          "Spreadsheet Clinic"                                             PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        257New forum debut on spreadsheet Q&A (Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony thistime): 1)Cell address border/reverse video to regular, 2)Date    conversion, 3)Macro dating,....continued to next record.         
  306. help,Q&A,spreadsheet,1-2-3,Symphony,BEEP,trick,date,File Manager D. Hoffman (Editor)                          "Spreadsheet Clinic"                                             PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        257...continued from previous record.  4)Using 1-2-3 File Manager & Disk Manager with Symphony, 5)BEEP tricks with Symphony, 6)Mondaythru Friday dates with 1-2-3.                                    
  307. review,MICROPAC,Test Management,education,exam                   J. Rosenberg                                 "Testing the Testmakers"                                         PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        263Review of programs for making exams: 1)MICROPAC (by Microsystems Software Ltd.) and 2)Test Management System (by Wilson T. Price &Stephen Brown).                                                  
  308. case cart system,surgery,medicine,Duke,instrument,dBASE II,DBM   T. Droege                                    "Putting the PC Before the Cart"                                 PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        265Overview of the use of dBASE II on an IBM PC-XT at Duke Univer-  sity Medical Center for keeping track of instruments and suppliesfor surgical procedures (called a "case cart system").           
  309. law,legal,education,training,American Bar,IIT Center,CCALI       B. Rosensweet                                "Computer Education: Legal Aid"                                  PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        269Overview of computer education opportunities for lawyers:        American Bar Association, IIT Center for Law and Computers,      Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CCALI).          
  310. review,Sideways,Funk,utility,printer,spreadsheet                 M. Kass                                      "Print Sideways"                                                 PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        273Review of Sideways (by Funk Software), utility for printing such things as spreadsheets sideways (i.e., 90 degrees from normal).                                                                   
  311. club,user group,directory,address                                J. Mintzer (Editor)                          CLUB NEWS - "PC User Groups"                                     PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        275Partial directory (update) of PC user group names and addresses.                                                                                                                                   
  312. review,book,directory,yellow pages,expansion,software,telemart   H. Karten                                    BOOK REVIEW - "Apple to ZDOS: Where to Find It"                  PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        325Review of: PC TELEMART SOFTWARE DIRECTORY: YELLOW PAGES TO THE   WORLD OF MICROCOMPUTERS, 8TH EDITION (R. R. Bowker, 1984); IBM PCEXPANSION & SOFTWARE GUIDE, 4TH EDITION (Que Corp., 1984).       
  313. typeset,writer,author,communication,publisher                    T. Ulick                                     "Typesetting For Writers"                                        PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        329Discussion of how writers who learn the basics of typesetting cannow electronically communicate their copy to their publishers andtypesetters.                                                     
  314. tutorial,communication,COMMX,CROSSTALK XVI,SmarTerm 125          F. J. Derfler, Jr.                           "The Async Link"                                                 PC Mag  85/01b Jan v.4 n.2        131....continued from previous record.  COMMX, CROSSTALK XVI,       SmarTerm  125 and 400.                                                                                                            
  315. Script/PC,MicroScript,ReadiWriter,WORDIX,benchmark,insert        D. Hannotte                                  "Benchmark Test Results"                                         PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        211Insert in "Put Your Text in Top Form" by the author, this articlegives benchmark test results for the four text formatting pro-   grams reviewed in the parent article.                            
  316. Script/PC,MicroScript,ReadiWriter,WORDIX,flaw,insert,bloop       D. Hannotte                                  "Bloops and Blunders"                                            PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        213Insert in "Put Your Text in Top Form" by the author, this articlelists some of the flaws in the four text formatting programs re- viewed in the parent article.                                    
  317. text formatter,mainframe,wishlist,insert                         D. Hannotte                                  "Wishlist"                                                       PC Mag  85/03b Mar v.4 n.6        219Insert in "Put Your Text in Top Form" by the author, this articlelists some of the features now used on mainframes that could be  adapted in the next generation of formatters for the PC.         
  318. \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \